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a picture of a man in a suit and a red tie

soumia chafik


a man dressed in a black suit and red tie who is seen dancing in various locations. he is seen dancing on the street, in a room, and in front of a mirror. the man's dance moves are energetic and he appears to be enjoying himself. captures the man's movements in different settings, and he is seen wearing different outfits while dancing.



Move AnimatorWj

Date Created

September 21,2024Wj



Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a man wearing a black suit and red tie dances around the room. he starts by spinning around in circles, then crouches down and stands up again. he continues dancing and spinning around while making various poses. he ends by standing straight with his hands raised.
Prompt 2: a man in a suit and red tie who dances on his tip toes, points his fingers, and shakes his hips. he then turns around and raises his arms and continues to dance. also includes a blurry image of a man in a suit with his arms up and a blurry image of a man in a suit standing with his arms out.