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a person walking down a foggy street

Zeck Austria


**Title:** *Whispers in the Fog***Scene 1: Opening** *(A dense fog blankets a small, deserted coastal town. The sun is setting, casting an eerie, fading orange glow. The only sound is the faint crashing of waves in the distance. We hear footsteps--slow, hesitant--approaching from the distance. A young woman, EMMA, walks alone down a narrow road. She’s shivering slightly, more from unease than cold.)***Emma** *(nervously muttering to herself)* "I should’ve never stayed this late… why did I even take this job?"*(She checks her phone. No signal. She bites her lip, clearly anxious.)***Emma (cont’d)** "Great. No signal. Just perfect…"*(She hears a rustling from the trees lining the road. Her footsteps pause, and she turns her head quickly, her breath catching in her throat.)***Emma** *(voice trembling)* "Hello? Is someone there?"*(Silence. She stands frozen, her eyes scanning the fog-shrouded trees, but she can’t see anything beyond the mist. A soft chuckle seems to echo faintly from somewhere within the fog




Date Created

September 23,2024Wj



Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a person walking on a road during sunrise, with the sun shining through the smoke of the foggy morning. the person is wearing a long coat and is alone on the road. the smoke creates a serene and misty environment, and the sunrise adds to the ambiance. the person appears to be walking with a purpose, and the camera follows their movements until they disappear from view. captures the beauty of the early morning, with the person walking in the foggy and smoke-filled environment, creating a captivating and mesmerizing scene.
Prompt 2: a woman walking down a road in the fog. she is wearing a black jacket and carrying a handbag. the sun is shining through the fog, and the woman is walking slowly. the road is surrounded by trees, and the woman is the only person visible the foggy weather adds a mysterious and serene atmosphere to the scene.