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a group of people dressed up as watermelons

Suseela Anivilla


Dancing, walking, talking, lip sync




Date Created

September 25,2024Wj



Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: two red dancing characters, with the male character wearing a cap, and the female character wearing a scarf, in a dance routine on a dance floor. they dance to the music while the people around them cheer them on. the male character takes off his cap and continues his dance while the female character holds a watermelon. they both dance together, and the male character takes off his shirt, while the female character holds another watermelon, and they dance together as a choreographed dance routine. finally, they both dance alone, and the male character takes off his shirt and holds a watermelon while the female character holds a watermelon and dances alone. ends with the two characters dancing together.
Prompt 2: a group of people dressed in fruit costumes who dance around a stage. they appear to be having a good time, and the audience is seen cheering them on. the dancers move around the stage while performing their routine. captures the lively and energetic atmosphere of the performance, with the audience's enthusiasm adding to the overall excitement. showcases the dancers' skills and creativity, as they move around the stage in their fruit costumes, performing an entertaining dance routine.