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a video game character standing on a street

Davisão Santos


Trailer de Filme: Sackboy - Herói dos Consoles****Cena 1: Ameaça aos Consoles**- Cena abre com um plano geral de uma cidade vibrante, cheia de consoles Playstation e personagens icônicos, em uma tarde ensolarada.- O céu escurece de repente, e uma sombra sinistra cobre a cidade. Personagens invasores de outros jogos aparecem, causando caos e destruição.- Close-up de Sackboy, assustado, mas determinado, observando a devastação.**Cena 2: Preparação para a Jornada**- Montagem rápida de Sackboy se preparando para a aventura: equipando-se com diferentes roupas e ferramentas, todas feitas de materiais como tecido, papelão e outros elementos artesanais.- Close-up dos olhos determinados de Sackboy.




Date Created

July 27,2024Wj




Run Count 841062

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a small wooden robot with blue eyes and a mouth, which is sitting on a table. the robot is seen moving its head and making scary faces. the background of is a city with tall buildings, and the robot is positioned in front of them. ends with the robot making a scary face.
Prompt 2: a wooden robot with blue eyes and a mouth, which is standing on a table. the robot is seen walking, standing, and sitting in different positions. it is also seen talking and making scary faces. the robot in front of a building and a city skyline. the robot is seen in a close-up shot, and the background is blurry. also features a green and white ball on the table and a green ball on the table.