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a white square in the middle of a green forest

Vital Art's


showcases a variety of pine trees with different colors and sizes. the camera pans around the trees, capturing their beauty from different angles. the trees are shown in various positions, from close-ups to wide shots, highlighting their unique features. ends with a white screen displaying the website address.




Date Created

July 29,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a white screen with the title "green screening" appearing in white font. then, a green screen with a tree moving on it the camera pans out to show the tree from a far distance. then shows a green screen with a tree in the middle, and the camera zooms in to show the tree in detail. ends with a green screen with a tree in the middle, and the camera zooms out.
Prompt 2: showcases a white screen with a green tree on it, followed by a green screen with a white tree on it. then transitions to a green screen with a white tree on it. the green tree on the white screen is then shown again. then transitions to a green screen with a white tree on it, and the green tree on the white screen again. ends with a green screen with a white tree on it.