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a corona virus

Jose Antonio Torres


showcases the red and purple appearance of the virus as it spreads and multiplies. the camera captures the virus from different angles, highlighting its unique appearance. aims to educate and raise awareness about the virus and its potential impact on human health. the red and purple colors are used to emphasize the danger and urgency of the situation. ends with a red screen and the website address.




Date Created

July 29,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a close-up of a red cell with many red blood cells in the background. the red cell is in motion and is surrounded by many other red cells. conveys the importance of vaccination and how it can help protect against viruses. it also highlights the importance of research in developing vaccines and how it can help protect people against viruses. emphasizes the importance of vaccination and how it can help protect people from viruses. overall, provides a vivid and detailed view of a red cell and the importance of vaccination.
Prompt 2: starts with a close-up of a red cell, which then transitions to a larger view of the cell. then shows the cell multiplying, followed by a series of shots of the cell. then focuses on the cell multiplying rapidly, with more shots of the cell. ends with a shot of the cell multiplying even more.