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a white plate topped with a quesadilla and spinach

Conteudo Digital By Maju


GATO DE AVENTAL DE CHEFE COZINHEIRO PREPARANDO A SEGUINTE RECEITA: Café da Manhã 1. Omelete de Espinafre e Queijo Ingredientes: 2 ovos 1/4 xícara de espinafre picado 1/4 xícara de queijo ralado (muçarela ou parmesão) Sal e pimenta a gosto 1 colher de sopa de azeite de oliva Modo de Preparo: Bata os ovos em uma tigela e adicione o espinafre e o queijo. Tempere com sal e pimenta a gosto. Aqueça o azeite em uma frigideira antiaderente em fogo médio. Sirva a mistura de ovos na frigideira e cozinhe até firmar, cerca de 2-3 minutos de cada lado. Sirva quente. Benefícios para a Saúde: Omeletes são uma excelente fonte de proteínas e nutrientes essenciais. O espinafre é rico em ferro e vitaminas A e C, enquanto o queijo fornece cálcio e proteínas adicionais.




Date Created

August 1,2024Wj




Run Count 841062

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: showcases the preparation of a delicious and visually appealing meal. it starts with a close-up shot of a white plate with a variety of food items, including a sandwich, a bowl of sauce, and a side of greens. the camera then focuses on the sandwich, which is cut in half to reveal the egg and cheese inside. the sandwich is then topped with the sauce, and the greens are placed on the side. ends with a close-up shot of the finished meal, highlighting the vibrant colors and textures of the food. overall, provides a detailed and mouth-watering look at the preparation of a tasty and nutritious meal.
Prompt 2: showcases a delicious and visually appealing meal featuring a fried egg on top of a slice of bread, accompanied by a side of greens. the egg is cooked to perfection, with a runny yolk that oozes out as the bread is toasted. the greens on the side add a refreshing touch to the dish, providing a nice contrast to the rich flavors of the egg. also includes a close-up shot of the egg and greens, highlighting their vibrant colors and textures. overall, offers a mouth-watering glimpse into a simple yet satisfying breakfast or brunch option.