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a man squatting with a barbell in a gym

Younes El gazam


Here's the best way to lift to gain muscle. Reverse pyramid training. After you've warmed up, you want to do your heaviest set first. That's actually when you're strongest. As you work out, you break down muscle and you get weaker. So you want to hit that heavy set when you're fresh. That way, you can best promote strength and muscle gains. You do your heavy set first, four to six reps, 3-minute rest. Drop the weight and go for six to eight reps, take a 3-minute rest, drop the weight again, and go for eight to ten reps. You hit the entire rep range and you do your heaviest set first, and that first heavy set actually gets your body to recruit more muscle fibers. So when you go lighter, the weight feels so easy and you're getting more muscle activation than you normally would out of a lighter set.




Date Created

August 13,2024Wj




Run Count 841030

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: showcases a man performing weightlifting exercises in a gym. he is seen squatting with a barbell and lifting it up to his chest before standing up and lifting it over his head. the man is wearing a black shirt and shorts and is seen in different positions throughout including squatting and standing. the gym is well-lit, and there are other gym-goers visible in the background.
Prompt 2: a gym-goer engaging in weightlifting exercises. he starts by standing before a barbell, lifting it up to his chest, and then lifting it over his head. the gym-goer then drops the barbell to the floor. overall, captures the intense physical activity and dedication required for weightlifting.