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a cartoon of jesus laying on a bed surrounded by people

Kari Santos


"Crie uma ilustração de desenho animado no estilo Disney de Jesus curando os doentes. Mostre Jesus com uma expressão calorosa e compassiva, impondo gentilmente as mãos sobre uma pessoa que precisa de cura. Cerque-o com um grupo diverso de pessoas, incluindo homens, mulheres e crianças, todos retratados com rostos esperançosos e gratos. O fundo deve ser um ambiente vibrante ao ar livre com luz suave e mágica destacando a cena. Inclua detalhes caprichosos, como animais amigáveis ​​e flores desabrochando, para realçar a atmosfera edificante e comovente. Garanta que o estilo geral seja colorido, alegre e capture a essência atenciosa e milagrosa da animação Disney."




Date Created

August 17,2024Wj




Run Count 840982

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: depicts a group of people gathered around a bed, with a man in a white robe laying on it. a woman in a blue robe is seen wiping the man's face with a cloth. the man is then seen standing up and walking away. seems to be a depiction of a religious or spiritual event, with the man in the white robe possibly being a religious figure. the use of robes and the gathering of people around the bed suggests a sense of reverence and respect for the man in the white robe. 's purpose is not entirely clear, but it could be a representation of a religious ceremony or ritual. overall, portrays a sense of calmness and reverence, with the man in the white robe being the central figure.
Prompt 2: a group of people gathered around a young man lying on a table. a woman is seen wiping the man's face with a cloth while a priest is talking to the people around him. the priest then blesses the man, and the people around him start clapping. there is also a man kneeling down to pray. portrays a moment of love, care, and support from the people around the young man, who are likely his friends and family.