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a person sitting at a desk in front of a large window

bella penigsea


A little girl with brown hair and glasses, wearing casual clothes, confidently walks toward a modern gaming desk and chair in a room with futuristic, high-tech decor. She looks excited as she approaches the glowing gaming setup. The camera follows her, capturing her sassy, playful walk. She pulls out the chair, sits down, puts on a headset, and starts playing a game, fully focused. The camera slowly zooms out from her, first showing her from above, then transitioning to an aerial view of her house, neighborhood, and city. As the zoom-out continues, the scene shifts into outer space, revealing Earth and then moving farther into the cosmos. Finally, the planet Venus comes into full view, glowing brightly in space. The animation ends with the text 'thevenusjl' appearing over Venus in bold, glowing letters




Date Created

November 9,2024Wj



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Prompt 1: a boy sits in a chair in front of a computer, looking out the window to a city. he is wearing a white shirt and is sitting in a red chair. a cat is also seen sitting on the floor next to the boy. ends with the boy turning off his computer.
Prompt 2: a young boy sitting in front of a computer, wearing headphones and playing a video game. the game is set in a space station where he is trying to navigate through obstacles. the boy is wearing a white shirt and is sitting on a chair in front of a desk. the room is dimly lit, and there is a window in front of him. game is set in a space station, and the boy is trying to navigate through obstacles. ends with the boy finishing the game.