a cartoon boy and girl holding hands in front of clouds
Create a 3 minutes long animated film about a handsome boy - Siraj assisting beautiful black girl - Rubeena farting and laughing at the same time. Add funny voices in background and wishing each other happy anniversary and add a huge fart noise after she wishes the boy and post wishing create a new born angel baby dispersing the fart clouds with a spray and her angel wings named Myra
Date Created
November 15,2024Wj
Recommended Prompt
Prompt 1: two children holding each other's hands and standing in front of a sunset. they are wearing white shirts and orange t-shirts respectively. the boy blows out a candle on a heart-shaped cake, and the girl kisses him on the cheek.
Prompt 2: a woman and a boy standing in front of each other. the boy gives the woman a heart-shaped box, and she opens it to reveal a small heart inside. the woman then gives the boy a kiss. ends with the woman blowing out the heart-shaped box.