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a group of people standing on a dirt road

Karimul Shikdar


A seemingly idyllic town gathers for an annual lottery, but the shocking purpose of the tradition is revealed at the end




Date Created

November 17,2024Wj



Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a large group of people dressed in togas walking down a dirt path. the camera pans around the group, and a woman is seen walking in front. the people continue to walk down the path, and the camera captures the entire scene.
Prompt 2: depicts a large group of people dressed in togas walking down a dirt road. the camera captures the scene from a distance, and the people continue walking in the same direction. showcases the togas worn by the people, and the overall atmosphere is peaceful and calm. provides a glimpse into the daily life of people in togas, and the viewer can appreciate the simplicity and beauty of their attire.