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a woman in a black dress standing next to a band



"A glamorous woman with bright red wavy hair, wearing a black shiny strapless dress that accentuates her curves. She is standing confidently on a stage with a band in the background, dressed in black suits and playing instruments. Her makeup is bold with red lips, and she is wearing sparkling earrings and a delicate necklace. Her blue eyes are bright and full of confidence, and she has a seductive smile. The lighting is dramatic, focusing on her and creating a contrast with the blurred, colorful background filled with musicians and stage lights. The overall atmosphere is lively, elegant, and luxurious, evoking a classic stage performance vibe."




Date Created

November 27,2024Wj



Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: depicts a woman in a black dress standing on a stage, accompanied by a band. she sings while the band plays, and the audience cheers. the woman is wearing red lipstick and is wearing a necklace around her neck. a man in a black suit is also present in the room. the woman finishes her performance and walks off the stage.
Prompt 2: a woman wearing a black dress and red hair, who is the main focus. she is seen in various settings, including a room with a piano and a band, and in front of a microphone. she is surrounded by other people in some of the scenes, and is seen laughing with them. also shows her in a black dress standing in front of a microphone, and in a black dress with a red background. overall, showcases the woman's presence in different settings and situations.