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a man in a spider-man costume playing an electric guitar

Tushar Saha


Spiderman plays the guitar




Date Created

December 18,2024Wj



Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a man playing guitar on stage while wearing a spiderman costume. he is playing in front of a crowd and the stage lights are flashing. the man is wearing a blue shirt and jeans and he is seen playing the guitar with his right hand and moving his legs to the beat. the guitar has red and white colors, and the man is playing the guitar with a smile on his face. the crowd can be heard cheering in the background.
Prompt 2: a man dressed as spider-man playing a guitar on stage. he is seen playing the guitar while singing and looking off into the distance. the man's movements are synchronized with the music, and he appears to be enjoying himself. the stage is well-lit, and the man's costume is well-fitted, making it easy to see his facial expressions. the guitar he is playing is a standard electric guitar, and the man's playing style is energetic and engaging. overall, showcases a talented musician who is passionate about his craft and enjoys performing in front of an audience.