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a close up of a cat with its mouth open



Seekor kucing besar dengan tampilan unik, menyerupai puma atau caracal, sedang menguap atau mengaum dengan mulut terbuka lebar, memperlihatkan taring tajam. Matanya ekspresif, dengan sorot yang tajam, dan kumis panjang mencuat dari wajahnya. Bulunya berwarna cokelat keemasan dengan corak halus di sekitar wajahnya. Hewan ini mengenakan kalung hitam dengan gesper kecil, memberi kesan seperti peliharaan eksotis. Latar belakangnya kota tua yang seram, dengan lantai berbatu dan struktur abu-abu di belakangnya.




Date Created

January 31,2025Wj



Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a tiger in a forest, who is seen roaring and displaying its teeth. the tiger's fur is orange and black, and it appears to be in a natural habitat. the tiger's roar is loud and powerful, and it seems to be a display of dominance. the background of is a lush green forest, with trees and foliage visible in the distance. the tiger appears to be alone in the forest, with no other animals or humans visible overall, showcases the majestic and powerful nature of the tiger in its natural habitat.
Prompt 2: a tiger in a natural habitat, with a close-up shot of its face. the tiger is seen roaring at the camera, displaying its teeth and claws. the background shows the tiger in its natural environment, surrounded by trees and foliage. captures the tiger's powerful presence and its ability to intimidate with its roar.