a blurry image of a person wearing a cape
Dalam kota yang damai, tiba-tiba muncul ancaman besar! Seekor anjing 'penjahat' mencuri mainan kesayangan si anak kecil! Tapi jangan khawatir, pahlawan kita telah tiba—Super Cat! Dengan kostum merah menyala dan jubah berkibar, ia melompat dari atap dengan gaya slow-motion, lalu berlari melintasi ruang tamu dengan efek suara epik. Saat anjing mencoba kabur, Super Cat meluncur dan melakukan serangan ‘cakar kilat’! Apakah ia berhasil menyelamatkan mainan itu? Saksikan aksi heroiknya sekarang
Date Created
February 16,2025Wj
Recommended Prompt
Prompt 1: a cat who is chasing a dog, and they both fall down. the cat then gets up and runs away.
Prompt 2: a cat in a superman costume who is running on a sidewalk. suddenly, a dog comes out of nowhere and attacks the cat, causing a violent fight that is captured the cat tries to fight back, but the dog is too much for him. in the end, the cat is left bloody and beaten. highlights the violent nature of dog attacks on cats, and the need for better protection for cats in outdoor environments.