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a little girl is smiling and looking up at the sky

Maheboobkb 52


"A motivational end scene with a glowing message in a magical font that reads, 'Those who dare to dream and chase them find nothing impossible.' The 12-year-old girl with bright young girl stands below, looking up at the sky with a smile, as stars twinkle above."




Date Created

February 8,2025Wj



Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a young girl wearing a purple shirt, standing in front of a night sky with stars. the words "who was the first to see the northern lights?" appear on the screen, followed by the girl's response. then shows a series of pictures featuring different people and the words "the northern lights are seen in the arctic circle." the girl's response appears on the screen again, and ends with the girl smiling.
Prompt 2: a young girl wearing a purple shirt who speaks to the camera while the words "these are some of the things i learned" appear on the screen. then transitions to a night sky with the words "dream, to dream, and to keep on dreaming" appearing on the screen. the girl continues to talk to the camera while the words "believing in yourself" and "believing in your dreams" appear on the screen. ends with the girl smiling while the words "believing in yourself" appear on the screen.