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a man standing in front of a large screen



【视频口播文案】(开场画面:晨曦中的校园剪影,科技粒子汇聚成天喻LOGO)【画外音】"教育的新时代已经到来!"(镜头切换:智能教室中师生互动场景)"这里是武汉天喻教育科技有限公司——我们正以AI之力重构教育生态!"(三维动态数据流环绕教学场景)"以学生为中心,让每个成长轨迹都被温柔注视;以数据为纽带,让教与学实现无缝对话;以AI为引擎,让智慧教育迸发无限可能!"(动态分屏展示四大成果)"在这里:个性化学习突破规模限制,让因材施教不再遥不可及;教学过程精准导航,让三尺讲台成为智慧磁场;教育评价科学建模,让成长看得见、能量得准;教育治理智慧升级,让区域教育焕发蓬勃生机!"(航拍镜头掠过城市教育园区)"从长江之滨到神州大地,我们:深耕每个区域,激活教育新动能;赋能每所学校,构建智慧新生态;守护每个孩子,点亮未来新可能!"(星空背景下浮现公司愿景)"这是我们的承诺:用AI解码教育密码,用科技守护成长初心,让每个孩子的梦想都绽放独特光芒!"(LOGO浮现+动态标语)"武汉天喻教育科技——让优质教育像阳光般普照,让因材施教如春风化雨。点击关注,加入教育新生态共建者行列!"【创作说明】1. 结构设计:遵循"痛点切入-方案展示-成果呈现-愿景升华"的递进逻辑,符合短视频传播规律2. 视听适配:每15秒设置记忆点,配合画面节奏安排金句,如"让成长看得见、能量得准"3. 数据可视化:将抽象概念转化为"三维数据流""动态分屏"等可视化表达4. 情感传递:通过"温柔注视""守护初心"等措辞平衡科技感与教育温度5. 行动召唤:结尾设置轻量级互动指令,符合新媒体传播特性建议视频时长控制在90秒内,重点章节可配置动态字幕强化信息密度。




Date Created

February 7,2025Wj



Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a man wearing a white shirt and black pants is standing in front of a classroom of students. he is pointing to a whiteboard with various diagrams and writing on it, using hand gestures to emphasize certain points. the classroom is filled with students sitting at desks, and the man is seen standing in front of them, talking and pointing to the board. seems to be focused on teaching or presenting information to the classroom. the man's gestures and the diagrams on the whiteboard suggest that he is trying to convey a message or idea to the students. is shot in a classroom setting, with students sitting at desks and the man standing in front of them. overall, is a simple yet effective way of presenting information to a classroom setting.
Prompt 2: a man standing in front of a classroom, pointing at a large screen behind him. he then proceeds to write on the screen, which is filled with various words and diagrams. the man appears to be a teacher or instructor, and the classroom setting suggests that he is likely teaching a lesson or giving a presentation. the large screen behind him is likely being used to display visual aids or diagrams to help illustrate his points. seems to be focused on education and learning, with the man potentially teaching a subject related to the content displayed on the screen. overall, appears to be a brief glimpse into a classroom setting with a teacher or instructor using visual aids to help teach a lesson or presentation.