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a couple of chickens walking down the middle of a road



Seekor kucing lucu berwarna abu-abu dengan corak garis-garis halus sedang mengendarai motor vespa klasik berwarna merah. Kucing itu memakai kacamata hitam kecil dan syal yang berkibar tertiup angin. Latar belakangnya adalah pemandangan pedesaan yang asri dengan sawah hijau, gunung di kejauhan, dan jalan berliku yang dikelilingi pohon rindang. Di sisi jalan, terlihat beberapa ayam berkeliaran dan seorang petani sedang bekerja di ladang. Suasana terasa santai dan penuh petualangan, dengan matahari terbenam yang memancarkan cahaya keemasan.




Date Created

February 7,2025Wj



Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a cat sitting on a red scooter in the middle of a road, surrounded by a scenic view of mountains, hills, and greenery. a person in a white shirt and another person wearing a red hat walk past the cat. a group of sheep cross the road and a chicken pecks at the ground. showcases various outdoor activities such as riding a scooter and walking with a dog, and features beautiful landscapes with mountains, hills, and greenery.
Prompt 2: a cat sitting on a red scooter while a man leads a horse down the road. the cat follows the scooter while a dog runs alongside it. the scenery includes green trees, grass, and hills.