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a man dressed as dracula and a woman dressed as a bride



At midnight, a large number of bats were flying about, and in a British theater enveloped in jet-black darkness, a tall, slender, Hollywood-style actor with slicked-back hair appeared, dressed in a high-quality tailcoat, a pointed bow tie, and a huge, bell-shaped, jet-black cloak with a long, hanging collar and a shiny, glossy red satin lining. a handsome, dandy, middle-aged man in his late fifties with a deep-chiseled face like a Hollywood actor with slicked-back hair, a short moustache, and slicked-back hair, wearing a jet-black cloak with a pointed collar and a shiny red satin lining, and draped over the body of a young, beautiful woman in a long white wedding dress wrapped in a black cloak with a shiny red satin lining, he shows his fangs clearly with a fierce, angry expression, lifts her up sideways, lifts her back and knees, and holds her body in front of him with both arms. As she is lifted up by him, she tilts her head back and staggers, arching her back, and she looks deeply intoxicated with him, and




Date Created

December 24,2024Wj



Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a man and a woman dressed in vintage costumes, standing under a dark sky with bats flying around them. the man is wearing a black cape and a red and black mask, while the woman is wearing a white dress and a red and black mask. the man kisses the woman on the forehead, and the woman leans on the man. ends with the woman looking at the camera.
Prompt 2: a man and a woman dressed in vintage costumes, surrounded by bats. the man is wearing a black cape and a red and black mask, while the woman is wearing a white dress and a red and black mask. the man and woman are seen kissing and hugging each other while the bats fly around them. ends with the woman lying on the ground and the man standing over her.