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a group of people are looking at several screens in front of them



is an animation of a room with several screens displaying different video games. there are various characters, including a woman in a black jacket, a man in a black shirt, and a person in a black suit. the room is dark, and the screens are lit up. games shown on the screens include anime, a video game character, and a game with a robot. ends with a group of people in front of a screen playing a game. overall, is a showcase of various video games and characters.




Date Created

December 23,2023Wj




1 ImageWj


DreamShaper XL1.0
DreamShaper XL1.0
alpha2 (xl1.0)
Run Count 1044368

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: is an animation of a room with several screens displaying different video games. there are various characters, including a woman in a black jacket and a person in a black suit. the room is dark, and the screens are lit up. games shown on the screens include anime, a video game character, and a game with a robot.
Prompt 2: is an animation of a room with several screens displaying different video games. there are various characters, including a woman in a black jacket and a person in a black suit. the room is dark, and the screens are lit up. games shown on the screens include anime, a video game character, and a game with a robot.