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a man in a gold and white robe sitting on a throne



a man dressed in a golden robe and a white beard sitting in a red chair. he is wearing a golden crown and has a golden rosary in his hand. the man is seen sitting in the chair, looking towards the camera, and then looking down. captures the man's serene and peaceful demeanor, and his attire is reminiscent of religious figures. the chair he is sitting on is red and has a golden frame. the man's beard is white, and he has a golden rosary in his hand, which he holds in his hand while looking down. overall, portrays a calm and peaceful atmosphere, with the man dressed in a golden robe and beard, sitting in a red chair with a golden frame.




Date Created

March 28,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: an elderly man dressed in a golden robe and a white beard, sitting in a red chair and holding a cross. the man is the main focus of and the camera captures his facial expressions and body language. also shows the man in different positions and angles, including sitting in a chair and standing in front of a building. ends with the man sitting in a chair and holding a cross.
Prompt 2: a wise and powerful man dressed in golden robes, sitting on a red chair and holding a cross. he is surrounded by red walls and has a gold crown on his head. the man appears to be the center of attention, and the camera focuses on him throughout seems to be a celebration of the man's wisdom and power.