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a young boy wearing goggles and an orange jacket

Malik Ajoxhs


a young boy and girl riding on a skateboard and scooter, respectively, with a stunning view of the mountains in the background. the boy is wearing an orange helmet, while the girl is wearing a black and orange helmet. both children are smiling and enjoying the thrill of riding their bikes. the scene is filled with vibrant colors and a beautiful landscape, making it a fun and enjoyable video.




Date Created

March 28,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a young boy wearing a backpack and a helmet, climbing a mountain. he is seen smiling and looking at the camera. also shows a man climbing a mountain with a backpack and a helmet. the boy is seen climbing the mountain with a backpack and a helmet. ends with the boy smiling and looking at the camera.
Prompt 2: captures a young boy wearing a backpack and goggles, standing on top of a snowy mountain with a breathtaking view of the surrounding mountains and landscape. the boy is smiling and talking to the camera while looking at the camera. showcases the boy's adventurous spirit and love for nature.