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a young boy wearing goggles and an orange jacket on top of a mountain

Malik Ajoxhs


a young boy and girl riding on a skateboard and scooter, respectively, with a stunning view of the mountains in the background. the boy is wearing an orange helmet, while the girl is wearing a black and orange helmet. both children are smiling and enjoying the thrill of riding their bikes. the scene is filled with vibrant colors and a beautiful landscape, making it a fun and enjoyable video.




Date Created

March 28,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a woman with a backpack, wearing goggles, and looking off into the distance with a smile on her face. the woman is seen with her backpack on, which is a prominent feature of also showcases the woman's smile and the scenery in the background. these details create a sense of joy and adventure
Prompt 2: a young girl with an orange jacket and hat, talking to the camera. she is wearing sunglasses and has a backpack on her back. she is talking about her adventure in the mountains. she climbs a rock and is seen looking at the camera. she is smiling and waving to the camera.