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a man with dreadlocks standing in front of a mirror

Andreia Trindade


"Create an image of a 30-year-old Afro-Cuban man with dreadlocks, wearing a white tunic and a cowrie shell necklace, looking at himself in an antique mirror with a smile on his face, wearing traditional white clothing from his culture."




Date Created

March 28,2024Wj



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Prompt 1: a man wearing a white shirt and a beaded necklace standing in front of a mirror, posing for the camera. he smiles and holds up a chain to the camera, showcasing it. the man then puts the chain around his neck and continues to pose for the camera. captures the man's unique style and personality, with the beaded necklace being a prominent feature. the mirror in the background adds to the overall aesthetic of
Prompt 2: a man with dreadlocks standing in front of a mirror. he is wearing a white shirt and posing for the camera. the man is seen smiling and looking down at the camera. he then points to his chest and pauses to look down at his shirt. the man continues to look down at his shirt and then back up to the camera. overall, showcases the man's poses and expressions in front of the mirror.