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a group of men standing around a table looking at a map



Estamos no ano de 1974 em Portugal. A cena passa-se dentro de um quartel militar. Dois capitães estão a discutir à volta de uma mesa com mapas militares a planear a revolução do 25 de Abril.




Date Created

March 28,2024Wj



Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a group of men dressed in military uniforms gathered around a table, where they are seen pointing and looking at a map. the men are seen discussing and pointing at different locations on the map. seems to be depicting a military operation or strategy session. the men are dressed in formal military uniforms, and the setting appears to be a military base or a war room. the map is a crucial element of and the men seem to be using it to plan their next move or discuss their current situation. overall, portrays a serious and intense atmosphere, with the men focused on their task at hand.
Prompt 2: a group of men in uniforms gathered around a table, with one man pointing at a map. another man is seen pointing at the map while the others watch. the men continue to point at the map and discuss. seems to depict a military or strategic meeting where the men are discussing a map or a plan. the uniforms suggest that they may be soldiers or military personnel. the setting is not clear, but the men appear to be in a professional or formal environment. is short and lacks context, but it seems to capture a moment of decision-making or planning.