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a couple of toys sitting on top of a table

Mian Umair


showcases a nail polish set on a table, where a nail polish bottle is seen in the foreground. the set includes various nail polish bottles, brushes, and other accessories. also displays a nail polish machine, which is used to paint nails. the machine has a pink and white color combination and is displayed in front of the nail polish set. is a comprehensive guide on how to use the nail polish set and the machine to paint nails.




Date Created

March 28,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: showcases a table with a cake on it, and a box of nail polish next to it. a woman is seen using the nail polish to decorate the cake. she starts by painting the nails with the nail polish and then uses the same nail polish to decorate the cake. also includes a shot of the woman holding a toy and another shot of the nail polish box. overall, highlights the woman's creativity and ability to repurpose nail polish for decorating purposes.
Prompt 2: showcases a table with a cake on it and a woman holding a bottle of nail polish. the table also contains several toys, including a toy nail polish set and a toy makeup box. the woman is seen using the nail polish set to paint her nails while the toy makeup box spins on the table. also includes a brief shot of a person holding a remote control. overall, is a demonstration of how to use the nail polish set and makeup box toys.