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a car is driving down a road in the desert

Jim Sslee


a car drifting in a desert road in dubai




Date Created

March 28,2024Wj



Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: showcases a car driving on a sandy terrain, and the camera captures the car's movement in the sand. the car's headlights are on, and the camera captures the car's shadow on the sand. also includes a close-up of the car, and the camera captures the car's shadow on the sand. ends with the car driving off into the distance. overall, highlights the car's movement on a sandy terrain, and the camera captures the car's shadow and movement in the sand.
Prompt 2: showcases a purple car driving in the desert with the camera capturing its movement. the car drives slowly and smoothly in the sandy terrain, and the camera follows its every movement. highlights the car's beauty and the vastness of the desert.