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a man kissing a woman in a wedding dress



a man and a woman standing in front of a painting and kissing each other. the woman is wearing a white veil and the man is wearing a white robe. the painting depicts jesus christ and the woman is the virgin mary. captures the tender moment of the couple's love and devotion towards each other.




Date Created

March 28,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: showcases a man and woman standing in front of a painting, with the man wearing a white robe and the woman wearing a white veil. the man kisses the woman on the forehead, and they both smile at each other. the painting features a woman with her hands up, and the man and woman seem to be admiring the artwork. captures the serene and peaceful atmosphere of the scene, with the man and woman appearing to be enjoying each other's company.
Prompt 2: showcases a painting of a man and a woman kissing in front of a painting of jesus christ. the woman is wearing a white cloth and a gold earring, while the man is wearing a white and gold robe with a golden cross on it. the painting is in a room with a gold cross and a white cloth. the painting is a depiction of the woman and the man kissing, but the focus is on the woman, who is looking at the camera. also features a close-up of the woman's earring, which is gold.