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a computer screen with a cartoon character on it



appears to be a tutorial on how to draw a character using a step-by-step approach. it starts with a title screen and then shows a person drawing the character on a piece of paper. the tutorial continues with the person adding more details to the character. then shows a slide with a website on how to contact the creator of the tutorial. overall, provides a helpful guide for anyone interested in learning how to draw a character.




Date Created

March 28,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a cartoon drawing of a girl with a ponytail and a bikini, and the words "kaho kaho kaho" written above her. the drawing in multiple colors, including orange and blue, and the words "kaho kaho kaho" are written in orange. also shows a cartoon drawing of a girl with a ponytail and a bikini, and the words "kaho kaho kaho" written above her. the drawing in multiple colors, including orange and blue, and the words "kaho kaho kaho" are written in orange.
Prompt 2: a cartoon character named monika, who on a beach with a pink ball. the character is then drawn into a comic strip, and ends with a screenshot of the comic strip. seems to be a simple and playful depiction of a character enjoying a day at the beach.