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a group of priests standing next to each other



a group of men dressed in white robes and red caps standing in front of a building. they are all wearing white robes and red caps. the men are standing in two rows and are all facing the same direction. the men are all looking at the camera and appear to be posing for a picture. the building in the background is not visible the men seem to be enjoying the moment and are all smiling. overall, captures a moment of joy and unity among the group of men.




Date Created

March 28,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a group of men dressed in white robes and red caps, standing in front of a building. they are all wearing white robes and red caps, and they are all dressed in the same way. the men are standing in front of a building, and they are all wearing white robes and red caps. the men are all wearing the same type of clothes, and they are all dressed in the same way.
Prompt 2: a group of men dressed in white robes and red caps standing in front of a building. they are all wearing white robes and red caps, and they are all wearing white beards. the men are all standing in front of a building and they are all wearing white robes and red caps. the men are all wearing white beards.