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a group of priests standing next to each other



a group of catholic priests dressed in white robes and red caps, standing in front of a building. the priests are seen standing in a straight line, facing the camera. they are all wearing golden crosses around their necks. the priests appear to be part of a religious organization or a group of religious leaders. seems to be a recording of a religious event or ceremony. the priests are all dressed in the same attire, which suggests that they belong to the same religious order. is shot in a well-lit room, and the background is not visible. is relatively short, and there is no audio.




Date Created

March 28,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a group of men dressed as catholic priests standing in front of a building and posing for a picture. they are all wearing white robes and red caps, and some of them are wearing golden crosses around their necks. the men are standing in a line and appear to be of different ages. in the background, a building with a clock can be seen. the men are all smiling and seem to be enjoying themselves, and they are all looking at the camera. captures the essence of the catholic priests' lifestyle and their daily activities.
Prompt 2: showcases a group of men dressed in white robes and red caps, standing in front of a monumental building. they are all wearing golden crosses and singing while standing in a straight line. the men are dressed in the same attire, and the building is of significant importance. the men are singing a hymn and seem to be enjoying their time. captures the serene and harmonious atmosphere of the place. the men are well-coordinated and sway in unison. 's background music adds to the tranquility of the scene. the men's synchronized movements and singing create a beautiful and peaceful atmosphere.