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a group of priests standing next to each other



showcases a group of catholic priests dressed in their robes and red caps, standing in front of a building with a white cross on top, and on the side of the building are two statues. the priests are all wearing white robes and red caps, and there is a large building with a cross on top. begins with a close-up of the priests standing in front of a building, and a large cross on top of the building. the priests are all wearing white robes and red caps, and they appear to be very solemn and serious. the building appears to be quite large, and some smaller buildings in the background. ends with the priests standing in front of the building, and a large cross on top of the building. throughout the priests appear to be very focused and serious, and the surroundings are quite peaceful and calm.




Date Created

March 28,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a group of men dressed in white robes, who are all wearing golden crosses around their necks. they are standing in front of a building, and they are all wearing the same type of robes. the men are all looking at the camera, and they seem to be posing for a picture. the men are all wearing golden crosses, which is a symbol of their religious beliefs. the building behind them is not visible, but it seems to be a place of worship. the men are all standing in a row, and they appear to be very disciplined. seems to be a portrait of a religious group, and it is possible that the men are priests or monks. overall, captures a moment of stillness and reflection, with the men dressed in their religious garb, and the camera capturing their expressions and posture.
Prompt 2: showcases a group of men dressed in white and red attire, standing in front of a building. they are all wearing white and red caps and are lined up in a row. the men are all dressed in the same attire and are standing in front of a building. captures the men standing in front of a building and the men are all dressed in the same attire. does not show any other objects or people, and the men are all dressed in the same attire.