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a woman in a green dress standing under water



Let the clothes flow without moving any parts




Date Created

March 28,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a woman in a black dress who is swimming underwater. she is gracefully moving through the water with her arms and legs extended. the woman's movements are fluid and elegant, and she appears to be enjoying the underwater environment. captures the beauty of the underwater world and the woman's graceful movements.
Prompt 2: a woman in a black dress swimming underwater. she is seen swimming with fish and moving her arms and legs gracefully. the woman's movements are fluid and elegant, and she appears to be enjoying herself. the underwater environment is serene and peaceful, with the sound of water and the occasional movement of the fish. the woman's dress adds a touch of elegance to the scene, and her movements are graceful and effortless. overall, showcases the beauty and serenity of underwater environments and the graceful movements of the woman in the black dress.