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a close up of a man with his mouth wide open



a man is seen screaming with his mouth wide open. he then closes his mouth and screams again. the man's facial expressions are intense and exaggerated, and he seems to be enjoying the act of screaming. the man's body language is also expressive, with his arms and legs moving in a way that adds to the intensity of his screams. seems to be a display of the man's vocal abilities, and his face is the main focus throughout overall, is a short but powerful display of the man's vocal talents.




Date Created

March 28,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a man with pink lips who is screaming and yelling at the camera. he is making various facial expressions, including opening his mouth wide and sticking out his tongue. he is also making faces and gesturing with his hands. the man appears to be in a state of intense emotion or agitation. ends with the man screaming and making faces.
Prompt 2: a man who screaming and yelling into the camera. he appears to be very angry and is making intense facial expressions. the man's body language is very expressive, and he seems to be shouting at someone off-camera. is shot in a close-up format, and the man's face is the main focus of the shot. the man's facial expressions are very intense, and he appears to be very upset. seems to be a recording of a heated argument or confrontation. overall, captures a very intense and emotional moment of a man expressing his anger and frustration.