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an anime girl wearing a hat and scarf

lalitokun kun


Anime es una mujer de piel blanca, ojos azules y complexión robusta. Su cabello es largo, voluminoso y de un color azul grisáceo. Lleva un gran gorro de color blanco, del cual sobresale un gran mechón de pelo que cubre parte de su cara. Su vestimenta consta de una camiseta de manga larga, una gran bufanda y unos pantalones muy cortos, todo de color blanco. Bajo sus pantalones lleva unas medias de color azul grisáceo con motivos de nieve y botas de tacón blancas. En su mano derecha lleva un guante negro y gris y en la mano izquierda un anillo




Date Created

March 29,2024Wj




Samaritan 3d Cartoon Model
Samaritan 3d Cartoon Model
v4.0 (SDXL)
Run Count 104325

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a woman wearing a white coat and a hat, who is seen holding a scarf in her hand. she is seen wearing a white scarf and a hat, and she is also seen wearing a white coat. the woman is seen holding a scarf in her hand, and she is also seen wearing a white scarf. also features a woman wearing a white coat and a hat, who is seen holding a scarf in her hand.
Prompt 2: a woman with a hat, scarf, and gloves. she is seen smiling and looking at the camera. the woman then touches her face and turns her head. ends with the woman looking at the camera again.