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a group of people taking pictures with their cell phones



a group of people is seen standing in front of a christmas tree, and they are all holding up their cell phones. the scene is festive, and the group seems to be enjoying themselves. the camera then pans to the right, and a man and a woman sitting on a couch. the man is wearing a blue shirt, and the woman is wearing a red dress. the man is holding a cell phone, and the woman is holding a remote control. the scene is set in a living room, and there is a potted plant in the background. the man and woman seem to be engaged in some kind of conversation, and the man looks at the woman as she speaks. overall, captures a festive and cozy moment between friends or family members in a comfortable setting.




Date Created

March 28,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a group of people taking a selfie together. they are all smiling and appear to be enjoying themselves. the camera then pans to the right to show a boy wearing a blue shirt.
Prompt 2: a group of people posing for a photo while holding up their cell phones. the group is seen smiling and laughing as they take the photo. the focus is on the group's interaction and the fun they are having together. captures a moment of joy and connection among friends.