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a group of people looking at their phones at a dinner table



a group of people sitting around a table, with a man in a suit standing behind them. the people are all using their phones, and the man in the suit is pointing at the phone of one of the women. the scene is set in a restaurant, and the people are all dressed in formal attire. the man in the suit appears to be the host of the event, and he is pointing out something on the phone of one of the women. the people at the table are all focused on their phones, and the atmosphere is quiet and tense. the lighting is dim, and the table is set with fine china and crystal. overall, captures a formal gathering where people are preoccupied with their phones, and the host is pointing out something on one of the women's phones.




Date Created

March 28,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a group of people are gathered around a table, with each person focused on their cell phones. the man at the head of the table stands up and begins speaking before the woman next to him gets up and leaves. the rest of the group follows her lead, and the table is left empty except for the man who now stands up. overall, depicts a group of people who are unable to engage with each other due to their focus on their cell phones.
Prompt 2: a group of people sitting around a table, with some of them using their phones. one woman is seen using her phone and smiling at the camera. the group appears to be enjoying their time together, with some people chatting and others eating.