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a painting of a woman surrounded by candles



a woman dressed in a blue gown standing in front of a group of people. she is holding two candles in her hands and begins to dance. the people around her watch as she moves gracefully. the woman continues to dance, and the people around her watch in awe. captures the woman's movements as she dances, and the people around her watch in amazement. the woman's dress is flowing, and her movements are fluid and graceful. is a beautiful display of dance and movement, with the woman's performance being the center of attention.




Date Created

March 28,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a woman standing in front of a large group of people. she is holding a scepter and appears to be giving a speech. the people around her are listening intently. the woman is dressed in a fancy dress and has long hair. the setting is a large room with a stage in the background. the people around her are dressed in formal attire, and there are several candles lit on the stage. the woman's speech is passionate and engaging, and she appears to be addressing a significant issue. captures the moment of the woman's speech and the reactions of the people around her, creating a sense of tension and anticipation.
Prompt 2: a woman standing at the front of a large crowd, holding two candles. the woman then walks down the line of people, lighting each of their candles. the scene is set in a dark room with a large crowd of people standing around. the woman is dressed in a long flowing dress and has long flowing hair. the candles are lit with a flickering flame, casting a warm glow on the faces of the people. the atmosphere is serene and peaceful, with the sound of the flames crackling in the background. captures the beauty and tranquility of the moment, as the woman brings light to the darkness.