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a close up of a smiley face on a keyboard



a yellow emoji with glasses sitting on a table and talking to the camera. the emoji then proceeds to type on a laptop while looking at the camera. seems to be a humorous take on a person doing work on a computer. the emoji's facial expressions and actions are exaggerated to make more entertaining. overall, is a lighthearted and funny take on a common work scenario.




Date Created

March 28,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a yellow emoji with glasses who is seen sitting next to a laptop. the emoji then proceeds to type on the keyboard, mimicking the actions of a person. captures the emoji's movements as it types, creating a humorous and entertaining scene. the emoji's facial expressions and body language add a playful and lighthearted touch to overall, showcases the emoji's ability to mimic human-like behavior and create a unique and entertaining performance.
Prompt 2: depicts a yellow emoji sitting on a table in front of a laptop. the emoji is seen typing on the laptop keyboard, and the camera zooms in on the keys as the emoji continues to type. the emoji also makes faces at the camera and looks directly at it.