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a cell phone sitting on top of a stack of books



a bookshelf with a blue cell phone on top of it. the phone is turned on, and the screen displays a photo of a bookshelf with a cell phone on top of it. then shows the cell phone being used to display a collection of books. the books are stacked in a towering fashion, and the cell phone is placed on top of the stack. the display of the books on the cell phone is in a slideshow format, and the books are arranged in a circular fashion. ends with the cell phone being turned off.




Date Created

March 28,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a stack of books with a blue cell phone placed on top of it. the stack of books from different angles, and the blue cell phone with its screen on. ends with the cell phone displaying a blue screen.
Prompt 2: a stack of books on a table, with a blue cell phone on top. the phone displays a screen of different colored book pages. the camera then pans down to show the bottom of the stack of books, and the phone is still on top. ends with the phone displaying a screen of different colored book pages.