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a man standing in front of a door with fire coming out of it

Mauri Simão


depicts a man walking through a burning building with smoke and flames surrounding him. he is the only person visible in the entire footage, and the camera captures his every movement. throughout the man walks through the burning building, and the camera follows him closely. the fire is intense, and the smoke is thick. the man's movements are deliberate and intentional as he navigates the burning building. despite the danger, he continues to walk, seemingly unfazed by the flames and smoke around him. is a chilling portrayal of a man's determination in the face of adversity.




Date Created

March 28,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a man walking through a building with fire coming out of the windows. the fire is spreading, and it appears that the building is burning down. the man walks through the burning building, and the fire continues to spread.
Prompt 2: a man walking through a dark and smoky room with flames on the ground. the flames are burning with a blue color, and the man is wearing a black coat. the room is filled with smoke, and the man is seen walking through it. the flames are spreading, and the man is walking towards the fire. captures the intense and hazardous environment of the room.