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a man riding an exercise bike in a dark room

Coringa Mirro


a man using a cell phone while riding an exercise bike in a dark room. he is wearing a white shirt and black pants. the camera angle changes from a wide shot to a close-up shot of the man's face, and the man is seen looking at the phone screen and holding it in his hand. the man continues to ride the bike while looking at the phone and texting.




Date Created

March 28,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a man riding a stationary bike in a dark room while using his cell phone. he is wearing a white shirt and black shorts and is focused on his workout. the room is dimly lit, and there is a tv on the wall behind him. the man appears to be in good physical shape and is sweating as he pedals. captures the man's dedication to his fitness routine and his ability to multitask by staying connected with the outside world while working out.
Prompt 2: a man using a cell phone while riding on a stationary bike. he is wearing a white shirt and black shorts and is seated on the bike. the man is seen looking down at his phone while pedaling the bike. ends with the man holding the bike with both hands and looking up.