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a man holding a cell phone up to his face



a man and a woman sitting next to each other and looking at their cellphones. the man is wearing a blue shirt, and the woman is wearing a black shirt. the man is looking at the woman's phone while the woman is looking at her phone. both of them have their phones in front of them. the man is smiling, and the woman is looking at the man's phone. the man then looks at the woman's phone, and the woman looks at her phone. the man then looks back at the woman's phone. the woman then shows her phone to the man. the man then looks at the woman's phone again. the woman then shows her phone to the man again. the man then looks at the woman's phone again. the woman then shows her phone to the man again. the man then looks at the woman's phone one more time.




Date Created

March 28,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a man and a woman who are sitting next to each other and looking at their smartphones. the man is holding a piece of food in his hand and eating it while looking at his phone. the woman is looking at the man's phone while he is eating and looking at his phone. later, the woman stands up and walks away.
Prompt 2: a man and a woman looking at a cellphone together. the man is wearing a blue shirt and has short brown hair. the woman is wearing a black shirt and has long black hair. the man is smiling, while the woman is not. the man and woman are both looking at the cellphone screen, which has a blue background with white text. captures their facial expressions and body language as they interact with the phone.