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a person holding up a cell phone with a finger print on it



demonstrates how to use a smartphone to simulate a doctor's experience. it shows a person holding a phone with a doctor's symbol, an animation of a person's hand with a smartphone, a doctor's symbol on the screen, and a stylized hand holding a phone with a doctor's symbol. also includes a man with a mustache in a white shirt, and a woman in a black shirt, and the phone's interface with a doctor's sign and a microphone. the phone's screen displays a stylized hand, and also shows a man's hand holding a phone with a doctor's symbol. overall, provides a step-by-step guide to using a smartphone to simulate a doctor's experience.




Date Created

March 28,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: showcases a person holding a cell phone with a fingerprint scanner, which is then used to unlock the phone. the person then proceeds to open the phone's home screen, where a doctor's office is displayed. the phone is then used to scan a fingerprint, which is then used to unlock the phone again. ends with the person holding the phone again.
Prompt 2: a person holding a cell phone and showing the home screen. they then open up an app and show the home screen again. the person then touches a fingerprint icon, and the phone's camera flashes. the person then swipes their finger across the phone's home screen to unlock it.