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a person holding a cell phone up to take a picture of a sunset

Vinicios De Mirais


showcases a person holding a cell phone and taking a picture of a beautiful sunset. the person then shares the picture with others. emphasizes the beauty of nature and the joy of capturing a moment.




Date Created

March 28,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: starts with a close-up shot of a phone screen, followed by a panoramic view of a beautiful sunset. the camera then shows a person holding a phone with a picture taken by them. the phone screen is filled with a breathtaking view of the sunset, showcasing the beauty of nature. the person's hand is visible in the foreground of the frame, giving the viewer a sense of connection to the person who captured the picture. overall, highlights the beauty of nature and the joy of capturing it through photography.
Prompt 2: depicts a person holding a cell phone with a beautiful sunset in the background. the person then takes a picture of the scenery, and ends with the person holding the cell phone in their hand. also features a close-up of the person's hand holding the cell phone.