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a person laying on a towel on the beach



a woman lying on the beach, using her phone. she is seen typing and looking at her phone while the waves crash in the background. the woman seems to be enjoying her time on the beach, and the sound of the waves adds to the peaceful atmosphere.




Date Created

March 28,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a woman lying on a towel on the beach, using her phone. she is seen texting and browsing the internet while the waves crash in the background. the woman seems to be enjoying her time at the beach, and the waves provide a soothing soundtrack to her activities. captures the serene and relaxing atmosphere of a beach day, with the woman's use of her phone adding a modern touch to the scene. overall, showcases the beauty of a beach day and the joy of using technology to stay connected with the world.
Prompt 2: a woman lying on a towel on the beach, using her phone to surf the internet. she is wearing a white shirt and blue jeans, and there is a blue sky and green grass in the background. the waves in the water are white, and there are rocks in the water. the woman is seen using her phone for a long time, and she seems to be enjoying her time on the beach.