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a group of people looking at a cell phone



a group of people dancing and taking selfies at a party. the partygoers are dressed in colorful outfits, and the music is upbeat and lively. some of the people are dancing while others are taking selfies with their friends. a woman in a blue dress taking a selfie with her friends, while others are also taking pictures. the atmosphere is vibrant, and everyone seems to be having a great time. overall, captures the energy and excitement of a party, with people enjoying themselves and capturing memories of the night.




Date Created

March 28,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a group of people gathered in a room, with a man in a suit dancing on stage. the crowd seems to be enjoying the performance, and there is a lot of movement and excitement. the man in the suit is seen dancing with others, and the crowd continues to cheer and clap. the atmosphere is lively and energetic, and the group seems to be having a great time. overall, captures the excitement and energy of the event, with a focus on the man in the suit's performance and the crowd's enthusiasm.
Prompt 2: a group of people dancing in a room with a man in a suit joining them. the group takes a selfie together and then continues dancing.