a man in a green shirt running on a subway train
Ein Werbevideo für Nike-Schuhe, in dem eine Person aufwacht und feststellt, dass sie zu spät für die U-Bahn ist, die sie zur Arbeit bringen soll. Sie rennt zur Station, aber die U-Bahn ist bereits abgefahren. Doch dann stellt sie fest, dass sie plötzlich schneller als die U-Bahn ist – und zwar dank ihrer Nike-Schuhe! And the duration of the video 3 minutes
Date Created
April 2,2024Wj

Run Count 841046
Recommended Prompt
Prompt 1: a black woman in a green shirt and black trousers running in a subway station while people are walking around her. she goes up to the mezzanine and begins to dance while several people are standing on the platform. she eventually walks back to the platform.
Prompt 2: a woman running down a subway platform and jumping onto a moving train. she is wearing a green shirt and black pants. the train is moving at a fast pace, and the woman is seen running alongside it. she jumps onto the train and lands on the floor, but quickly gets up and runs away. captures the woman's agility and athleticism as she manages to jump onto the moving train. the subway platform is busy with people walking around, and the train is moving at a fast pace, making it a challenging feat for the woman to jump onto it. overall, showcases the woman's impressive skills and determination to accomplish her goal.