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three children standing under a tree.

Rafa M.


a group of children standing in front of a giant tree in the middle of a field. the scene is peaceful and serene, with the sun shining brightly in the background. the children are standing in a circle, looking up at the tree in awe. they seem to be discussing something or planning their next move. there is a sense of wonder and curiosity in their eyes. overall, the scene is heartwarming and wholesome, capturing the innocence and joy of childhood.




Date Created

March 12,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a group of children standing in front of a large tree in a rural setting. they are discussing something, possibly planning their next move. the scene is peaceful and serene, with a bright sun in the background. the children's faces show a sense of wonder and curiosity. overall, the scene captures the innocence and joy of childhood.
Prompt 2: a group of children standing in front of a large tree in a rural setting. they are having a discussion or planning their next move, with a sense of wonder and curiosity in their eyes. the scene is peaceful and serene, with a bright sun in the background. the children are dressed in casual clothes, and the atmosphere is heartwarming and wholesome.